Friday, February 3, 2012

Time for the show to really start!

Later today I meet up with the tour group for the first time. That's when the action really starts, and I move beyond Bangkok, first to Chang Mai, then continuing north.

The last 2 days have been good!

Thursday I managed to find my way to Wat Arun (a Wat is a temple, FYI) and met a rather nice German girl along the way. We decided to keep each other company, wandering around the temple for an hour taking photos. She's staying in the backpacker district of Kho San Road, so we decided to walk the couple dozen blocks to the area. Just a few blocks shy of our target we were hit with a massive rainstorm which left us (and a dozen or so other strangers) huddled under shop awnings to try and stay dry. After almost an hour we finally gave up and jumped in a cab for the last few blocks, and dashed into the nearest bar we could find. Watching the rain while drinking a beer was far more relaxing than standing next to a street vendor frying fish!

Yesterday was boring by comparison. I decided to be smart and look at the forecast, which called for similar heavy rainstorms all day. Deciding not to get caught out again, I stuck close to the hotel again, getting a few simple chores done. (along with a manicure and pedicure, lol) Ironically, because I was expecting it, the rain never came...that is, till now. It's absolutely pouring out now, and the sound of the rain on the tin roofs of the shacks behind the hotel sounds like gunfire. May as well get up!

Current location: Bangkok (1 more night to go!)
Listening to: rain on the tin roof outside. It makes me smile.
Craving: not a whole lot at the minute!

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