Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So my parents don't worry....

No, I did not blow up in Bangkok.

I've had a few people text me to make sure I wasn't caught in a recent "terrorist" bombing a few days ago in Bangkok. Those who remember, it's eerily similar to the last time I was backpacking, with the london bombings happening just as I left that city.

The story we're getting in the papers here is actually pretty funny.

So this ?Iranian? (I think) decides he wants to set off grenades in central Bangkok. Not being particularly adept at this, he manages to set one off in his house instead, injuring himself. He decides to try and flag down a passing taxi, but the taxi fails to stop for a man covered in blood. So he throws a grenade at the taxi!

The driver sustained minor injuries, but the blast alerted the police to the area. Once the police showed up, he threw a grenade at them too! Only, in true Darwin fashion...it bounces off something and lands back at his feet, blowing off both his legs.

So no need to worry, I'm still in one piece!

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