Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Perfect day?

Plans for my day/my day so far...
- it's warm out (finally!)
- dress shopping (made-to-measure, custom fit...and cheap!)
- drinks by the river, followed by more beer while shopping some more.
- Laundry. Ok, it's maybe not a perfect day, but this is minor)
- Beer Hoi! (sitting in the road drinking beer for 15 cents a mug...awesome!)
- Vietnamese cooking class
- eating our freshly made Vietnamese food.
- Dress fitting
- more beer, or switching to $2 gin and tonics

A perfect day? Or THE perfect day?

Current Location: Hoi An. Awesomeness!
Listening to: horns and cars and me coughing. And some weird noise that sounds like a video game, that's coming from the plumbing.
Next stop: drop the laundry off, then it's beer hoi o'clock!

1 comment:

  1. Loving your posts Jody! I'm living vicariously through you and loving how drunk I'm getting without the hangover haha
