Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 1, out and about

This is technically a day late, but I was exhausted when I made it back to the hotel last night, I was asleep by 730 (and awake by 1130pm...that was a long night)

Anyways, yesterday being my first real day in Bangkok, I didn't want to plan too much. I decided just to walk the street and see what I could find.

It was a rather uneventful day, except for one moment. While walking through yet another mall (I'll admit...I was there for the free air conditioning) I was stopped by an east Indian guy around my age. He said I had a very kind face, he could sense I was a very kind and lucky person. He went on to explain that he was something of a psychic, that he could tell different things about me, and asked of we might get a coffee so he could tell me more. I figured what the hell, why not?

For the cost of a coffee, I learned:
- the last 5 years have not been lucky ones. 2012 is a very lucky year for me apparently!
- I have a ghost baby that follows me.
- there is someone who recently went from being a friend to showing their true colors, that they were very jealous. (It made me laugh, that part was spot on...though the part where he went on to say they cursed me by "taking pieces of my hair and my clothing, and going to a graveyard to lay a curse on me" seems maybe a little far fetched?)
- I will live a very long life (85-90 years...I'm going to eat something that'll kill me...and here I thought I would get hit by a car crossing the road here in Bangkok!)

I think that's all I can remember? He was insistent that he had more to share, but I had to meet him for dinner to hear more. He's sweet, but I'd rather not end up robbed or murdered, do I parted ways. All in all, worth the pennies it cost me for the coffee!

Current location: still in Bangkok
Listening to: Thai music tv, in the restaurant of the hotel. Just as annoying as regular music videos, but not in English!
Today's adventure: the transit system! Let's see if I can find my way across the river to Wat Arun.

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