Sunday, February 5, 2012

A really quick one!

I'm still alive! Just a quick post (I have 2 min of time left). I met up with our tour group yesterday, there's 7 of us for the first 2 weeks.  We're leaving Bangkok tonight on a night train for Chang Mai (yes, I'm spelling that wrong I think) so we're all stocked up on snack foods and beer for the trip! Not sure when I'll have internet access again, but I'll write when I can!

Currently in: Bangkok still, only a few minutes longer!
Best thing about today: The first taste of beer on a sweltering hot day after wandering around the grand palace for an hour. Sitting in the air conditioning, watching people walk by, sipping my beer....It was perfect!
Listening to: Piano music in the hotel lobby
Where to next: Off to Chang Mai tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jody. We are enjoying the sunshine in a small quiet fishing village on the south shore of the Golf Of Mexico. Took the shuttle bus to the next small town for supper and a look around with Ken and Tracy last night and are going back there for Super Bowl today. Weather here is hot and humid.
    Have fun and be careful!
    Mom & Dad
