Thursday, February 9, 2012

Floating down the river

Now that I'm back in wifi, I can get people caught up!

For the last 2 days, we've been on a slow boat down the Mekong rive. Making our way from Chiang Khong, Thailand, across the river into Laos, then down the Mekong first to the sleepy little overnight village of Pakbeng, finally arriving in Luang Prabang late afternoon yesterday.

Luang Prabang is a larger Laotian village of a couple thousand people, but its largely over-run with backpackers. Everywhere you look there are white folks, more so than anywhere else we've been so far. Its sunny, hot and humid, at least 30 degrees I think.

Earlier today we visited the arts and ethnology museum, followed by the unexploded ordinance museum (Did you know Laos is the worlds most bombed country? It had more bombs dropped on it during the Vietnam war than were dropped in all of world war 2) Now we're just about to head out into the hills to see a famous waterfall (I won't even attempt the name) where we'll get to swim and cool off! Then dinner at a traditional Laotian home this evening, and probably a visit to the night market. It's a busy day!

Currently in: Luang Prabang, Laos
Listening to: the little waterfall outside our hotel, and the other travelers talk about soccer

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