Monday, February 27, 2012

I've been a bad blogger....

Sorry everyone! I had planned on writing daily updates, but it's been a busy few days!

On the 24 in Ho chi min city, we said goodbye to 3 from our tour group, and picked up another 3 for the very last leg of the tour, Cambodia. I exchanged an Italian roommate for an American one, and off we went!

First up was a day long trip on the Mekong river delta, visiting a floating market, having a traditional was nice! (though this now being the third or fourth trip on the river, its lost any novelty...still cool though!)

Yesterday we said goodbye to Vietnam and crossed the border into Cambodia after an hour spent waiting for travel visas. It was a long 6 hours on the bus, and everyone was happy when we finally arrived at the bus station in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. A quick tuktuk ride to the hotel and we were home.

We had just enough time for a quick orientation walk of the area before we were picked up by a group of 15 men on cyclos (think of a bike/rickshaw hybrid, with one big back wheel and 2 small front wheels under a basket that holds passengers) for an hour-long tour around downtown Phnom Penh. It's actually a pretty cool charity that runs the tours...they hire homeless and handicapped men (a group that is typically forgotten by most charity organizations here) and give them a good job. My driver was obviously the winner of 'pimp my cyclo'...he had reflective tape and old cd's stuck on it to make it blinged was great! Then dinner at an orphanage-run resteraunt, and an hour-long film about the atrocities that happened in Cambodia in the 70's. I'll post more on that in another post. That's enough words for this one post!

Listening to: the hum of the air conditioner on high, and the sound of the traffic in the street.
Current Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Craving: Clean laundry!
Philosophical question: which is worse...the sunburn, or the peeling and itching that comes after. I'm going crazy with the itching!

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