Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Swim with the Fishes

Ok ok, sorry, I've been lazy. I've been in Bali 5 days now on my own, "relaxing". How is it that I've only been able to sleep in 1 day in the whole time I've been away?

I won't bother going back and giving details about Siem Reap, or Angkor Wat, you can see the photos. The drive back to Bangkok was a long one, and the day was made even longer by deciding to stay out partying with the group till 230 in the morning in the streets of Bangkok, then heading for the airport at 3, for a 6 am flight to Bali. Altogether I was awake something around 33 hours. But that brings you to where I am now!

Bali has been absolutely fantastic! It's hot and unbelievably humid, I got yet another unexpected sunburn and I come home every day absolutely exhausted, but it's been awesome!

The hotel is absolutely top notch! There's only 13 or so rooms, each it's own bungalow complete with king sized 4 poster bed and outdoor washroom. The shower is a treat, about 5 feet long (I took a bubble bath my first's the first tub I've been able to fully stretch my legs in!) and made of marble tiles. If I could find a way to bring it as a souvenir, I would.

My last 3 days have been filled and busy ones! Deciding I was tougher than my fear of water, I signed up for a course teaching open water diving. It's more than the standard intro course some resorts offer. Before the first class I was given a 300 page manual and told to study. It was a lot to take in! Early the next morning I met with the dive instructor and 1 other student and studied more. The standard course is 2 full days of class training, 1 day pool diving and 1 day out in open water. But classroom is boring, so we we agreed to study hard, do half a day in the pool and go for 2 ocean dives instead. It was fantastic! I wish I would have had a real deep water camera, it's so surreal under the water, especially exploring around a sunken US naval supply ship. What a fantastic experience!

I'm babbling. One side effect of being up all night studying, then working so hard on the diving, I'm absolutely exhausted by dinner time. Luckily I arranged for another spa day tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be feeling more human and less mermaid again soon enough.

Current Location: Candidasa, Bali, Indonesia
Listening to: I completely deny any claims that I may have been singing "Under the sea" at any point today. Nope, certainly not me!
Craving: snack food! I've been so good for almost this whole trip. The time or opportunity to snack hasn't been there almost the entire trip. But what I wouldn't do for a handful of Pringles right now!


  1. I'm very glad I read this article after I already finished. It's virtually unheard of to get bad air from a certified dive shop, but it still gave me chills.

    1. Now it won't let me paste the article! It's in today's sun if anyone cares.

  2. You'll be fine!!! Enjoy!! :)

  3. Everything went great, officially passed yesterday, only 2 incorrect answers in the 100 some question test. I should have a shiny new PADI lisence by the time I get home.

  4. That's wicked buddy!! I've been looking at taking it here, is the test hard?? When are you back so I can see tons of pictures and hear all of your stories?!!!?

  5. Hey Shan! I'd say doing a multi-day back to back course like I did is probably the best way. You get a 250 page manual which is pretty intense but not too bad if you just buckle down for a day or two of reading. I'd recommend doing your open water somewhere warm, I have zero interest in cold water diving, especially after reading the extra cautions. Almost every resort over here offers the PADI open water course, it's easy to find. Don't bother with the intro diver course. You don't learn anything, they just stick you in the water. The course is easy enough if you focus, plus it means I dive cheaper and safer whenever I dive in the future. We'll definitely go for drinks when I'm back, I'll fill you in!
