Saturday, September 21, 2013


Sorry for the slow reply to anyone who's actually reading this. China so far has been an absolute whirlwind trip, much like the country itself. 

Hong Kong was absolutely fantastic.

 It felt like we were in New York, not China, it was that modern and easy to navigate. We were spoiled with English menus and (relatively) easy to navigate metro systems. We felt mighty sure that we had China figured out when we moved on to Shanghai.

Shanghai was our first experience with "real" China. (Hong kong being a half British, half Chinese country of its own; much more western than anywhere else we'll be heading) Suddenly the food was much more "adventurous" and there were no kindly older Chinese fellows with perfect English to help us when we get lost on the metros. For all of its architectural innovation and technology advancements, Shanghai was still very much "real China". 2 days there and we still managed to get on the wrong train to the airport. But a quick correction and seats on a train headed the other direction and we were on our way again. 

Another thing to note is China is strictly anti-Facebook. Of course, smarter minds than I have figured out ways around this, so we're not completely cut off, just more limited than we normally would. Sorry if its taking a while for me to respond to anyone. 

So that brings us up to today. One early morning flight from Shanghai to Beijing and we're in rather cool hostel recommended by a pair of British guys we met in the last hostel. (Thanks to Rusty!) We're a 10 minute walk from the forbidden city and Tiananmen Square, which we'll tackle the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is reserved for a trek out to the Great Wall. And today is made for wandering the local area, finding food and making new friends! 

Hope all is well back home! 

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